Tiomila 2024, how much night will it be?

Tiomila 2024 in Nynäshamn offers a completely new setup for the men and womens relay during the Tiomila weekend. Many are surely wondering how the competition will unfold for teams that are not among the first throughout the race. To increase awareness and facilitate club planning, we present the competition management’s assessment of how the race will develop for the entire starting field.

Our calculation and planning are based on the results of recent Tiomila relays, with a specific focus on the times from 2018 in Nynäshamn.

Men’s relay

The leading time after leg 3 in the men’s relay is estimated to be 125 minutes. Within 30 minutes after the first team has arrived to the finish, over 100 teams will have finished, and after an hour, over 200 teams. Assuming that 300 men’s teams participate, the wave start will include about 80 teams. Teams participating in the wave start are those that are estimated to be 5 hours or more behind the winning team at the end of the competition.

We estimate that the lead teams will reach leg 8 at dawn, the 100th team on leg 7, and the 200th team on leg 6. For teams lagging significantly, daylight will start to appear on leg 5.

The men’s exchange closes at 10:55 (restart at 11:00), and by that time, well over 200 teams should have started on leg 10, compared to 91 teams last time in Nynäshamn. This is partly due to the wave start and also because the competition time has decreased from an average of 64 minutes in the last eight years to 54 minutes in this year’s relay.

Women’s relay

Starting at 21:30, the first two legs of the women’s relay will be run entirely in the dark. The leading time after leg 2 is estimated to be 88 minutes. Within half an hour thereafter, almost half of the teams will have finished, and after an hour, 90% of the teams.

We estimate that the wave start will include 25-30 teams. Teams participating in the wave start are those that are estimated to be 3 hours or more behind the winning team at the end of the competition.

The women’s exchange closes at 11:55 (restart at 12:00). Here we estimate that over 200 teams should manage to start the last leg before the exchange closes. Compared to previous years, there will not be much difference. The wave start facilitates the teams at the end of the race to keep up, but at the same time, the women’s competition has become tougher.

The Tiomila day starts Saturday at 14:30, and 24 hours later, the finish line closes. Our hope is that most teams that have started in all relays on all legs will have reached the finish by then.

As stated in Bulletin 3, the actual competition time after 10 and 6 legs, respectively, will determine the placement for teams participating in the wave start. Disqualified teams can continue the race but may be held 30 minutes after the leading team, if necessary, to avoid affecting the outcome of the competition. Teams that have discontinued the race before the break can participate in the wave start and continue the relay but remain disqualified. A more detailed description of the rules for teams that have withdrawn is available in the competition’s official document.

Welcome to Tiomila 2024 in Nynäshamn!

Competition Management at Tiomila 2024 & Tiomilaföreningen