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For you as an organiser of 10mila
Here you will find information that can be useful for organisers of 10Mila.
Instructions Tiomila – edition October 2022 is the result of an ongoing quality development process within Föreningen Tiomilakavlen. A process that has become increasingly important as Tiomila is being relocated and organised by other actors than the association’s own member associations. Much of the experience of organising is, so to speak, in the “walls” of the Association, which is why the need for an overall documentation of the constituent parts and elements of the competition has been requested. Instructions Tiomila is a first step towards a, albeit not comprehensive, compilation of the experiences and conclusions drawn after more than 70 years of organising Tiomila.
Graphic profile
The association Tiomilakavlen has compiled a Graphic Profile for 10MILA. It contains fonts and logos and information on how to use them.